Archive for July 23rd, 2013

Networked Learning Project Update 2

iMovieI sent a message to the Apple Forum about my speaker issue in my iPad which I really need resolved before I can complete my movie and I received a reply:



So as you can see I have good news and bad news.  The good news I may get a new iPad.  The bad news is my iMovie will need to be a silent movie. I have tried various programs to see if I could change the settings within the program and I am not able to.


Another thing that I found out is TechSmith makes a product called Ask3 . It is an screencasting app for the iPad. This will be what I want to look into before school so I can do tutorials using the iPad. In addition, there is a quiz component added as well.  I am not sure if this will work.

As I am moving forward to complete my final project I somehow want to make a movie of me making a movie.  My options are to look into Ask 3, video or take images of my process or maybe use the Air Server App with Camtasia on my computer.

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